Rahul Gandhi Says He’s Human Unlike PM Modi

Rahul Gandhi Says Human Unlike PM Modi,Mango News,India Political News 2017,Rahul Gandhi Apologises For Wrong Tweet,Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi,Rahul Gandhi Thanks BJP for Pointing Mistake,Human unlike PM Narendrea Modi,Unlike Narendrabhai,Gandhi Gujarat Elections campaign,Rahul Gandhi Vs PM Narendra Modi
Rahul Gandhi Says He’s Human Unlike PM Modi

The Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi posted a flawed chart of the inflation in Gujarat. But the politician believes it’s just a human error. He thanked the BJP was pointing out his mistake and stated he was a human unlike PM Modi.

In a tweet, Gandhi said, “For all my BJP friends: unlike Narendrabhai (Prime Minister Narendra Modi), I am human. We do make the odd mistake and that’s what makes life interesting. Thanks for pointing it out and please do keep it coming, it really helps me improve. Love you all.”

The post with the error was part of Gandhi’s Gujarat Elections campaign. He has been posting one question to the BJP for the past 7 days. The seventh one questioned the BJP for the inflation of general commodities in Gujarat. The table attached to the tweet had the increase percentage calculated wrong.

It is clear that Rahul Gandhi did not make the chart but the fact he posted it without checking it raises questions. But if he did check it and found no fault, makes it worse. It is bound for humans to make mistakes but a human expecting a nation to put their faith in, needs to be more careful.

The educated ones immediately caught the mistake in the chart but many reading it may not realize. Rahul Gandhi has nearly 5 million followers on Twitter. He needs to realize the responsibility of being able to influence thousands of citizens and not pass it off by saying all humans make mistakes.